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Caramel leopard tortoise

$329.00$399.00  /  0.00312 Ƀ

SKU: N/A Category:

Caramel leopard tortoise– We have some fantastic captive bred caramel colored leopard tortoise for sale.  The caramel colored pardalis Babcocki locale is known for being smaller then their Giant south African cousins the pardalis pardalis leopard tortoise.  We have hatchings, well started baby caramel leopard tortoises for sale (recommended over the more fragile hatchlings) and cute and plump yearling leopard tortoises for sale in stock.  The Leopard tortoise for sale is divided into 2 sub species, the more common Pardalis Babcocki which grows from 11-16″ or the Pardalis Pardalis giant south African leopard tortoise for sale which can grow to lengths up to 18-20″.

Our caramel leopard tortoises for sale come from top quality caramel colored adult leopard tortoise breed stock and exemplify the species standard in both color, and temperament.   Caramel colored leopard tortoises are fairly EASY in terms of care level, and make great additions to any tortoise collection especially once they are at least 4 months old.

With a Biologist ON SITE, all of our Leopard tortoise for sale online come with our live arrival and full 7 day health guarantee.  If you purchase a complete tortoise setup kit from our shop, your tortoise will automatically come with a 30 day health guarantee.  Our Leopard tortoise for sale are ready to ship to your door via FedEx in heated or cooled containers and will arrive the morning after shipment.  Typically they leave here around 7pm and are on your doorstep the next morning between 8-10am.

Leopard tortoises are some of the most beautiful of all tortoises for sale.  When considering any tortoise for sale, or turtles for sale, captive bred baby tortoises for sale and turtles for sale should be your only consideration instead of wild caught.  Some of the best tortoise breeder in the world only work with captive bred animals.  Whether it be huge sulcata tortoise for sale, or small russian tortoise for sale, we are your source for the best of the best!

All photos are for reference and are not of the animal you will be receiving. We go by age, not size, as each animal grows at its own rate. Hatchlings are 1-4 months, well started are are 4.5-7.5 months, and yearlings are 8+ months. Our biologist will send an animal from whatever end of that age range we have available at that time. We do our best to sex the reptiles we sell, however, we cannot guarantee sex for anything that is purchased other than adults. We are accurate on most juveniles and hatchlings, but we do make mistakes as some animals do not show their sex as early as others, depending on many factors. Any species of animal that is capable of being temperature sexed while incubating is sexed in that manner, as there is no way to visually sex them until later in life.

Additional information

cb hatchling


cb well started baby


cb yearling

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Live Arrival Guarantee
We offer a live arrival guarantee. We do not offer any guarantee past your animal arriving safely as the animals we have available for sale are well started, eating, and in perfect health when they leave the facility.