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Red Foot tortoise $240.00$1,190.00  /  0.00274 Ƀ
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Ibera Greek tortoise $340.00$420.00  /  0.00388 Ƀ

Tuscan Western Hermann’s tortoise

$490.00$670.00  /  0.00559 Ƀ

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Tuscan Western Hermann’s tortoise– We have some fantastic captive bred Tuscany Local Tuscan Western Hermann’s tortoises for sale.  The Tuscan locale is known for it’s stark black contrast with neon yellow/green scutes and skin tone.  We have hatchings, well started babies (recommended over the more fragile hatchlings) and cute and plump yearlings in stock.  The Hermann’s tortoise is divided into 2 sub species, the Western Hermann’s tortoise for sale (very small only growing to 5-7.5″) and the Eastern Hermann’s tortoise for sale, which is larger (7-10″) and much more common.


Additional information

cb Hatchlings


cb Well started baby


cb yearling

Live Arrival Guarantee
We offer a live arrival guarantee. We do not offer any guarantee past your animal arriving safely as the animals we have available for sale are well started, eating, and in perfect health when they leave the facility.