Spotted Turtle-Spotted-Turtle.jpeg
Spotted Turtle $175.00$675.00  /  0.00207 Ƀ
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Black night leopard geckos $1,800.00$3,200.00  /  0.02134 Ƀ

4 inch CH Mata Mata Turtles (Chelus fimbriatus)

$340.00  /  0.00403 Ƀ


4 inch CH Mata Mata Turtles (Chelus fimbriatus) We have some awesome captive hatched Mata Mata Turtles now available. These are 4″ aprox, and the perfect size for a home aquarium. 4 inch CH Mata Mata Turtles (Chelus fimbriatus) feed on live minnows, guppies, and mollies of various types. Live feeders, goldfish can be fed in emergency but not recommended for long periods of

time due to chemicals in the goldfish/comets. mata matamata-mata, or matamata (Chelus fimbriata) is a freshwater turtle species found in South America, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. It is one of two extant species in the genus Chelus, the other being Chelus orinocensis

Live Arrival Guarantee
We offer a live arrival guarantee. We do not offer any guarantee past your animal arriving safely as the animals we have available for sale are well started, eating, and in perfect health when they leave the facility.