Ambanja Panther Chameleon-amban.webp
Ambanja Panther Chameleon $280.00$470.00  /  0.0032 Ƀ
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Translucent Veiled Chameleon $199.00$490.00  /  0.00227 Ƀ

Cap Est Panther Chameleon

$240.00$440.00  /  0.00274 Ƀ

SKU: N/A Category:

Cap Est panther chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) is a sub-species of panther chameleon found in the eastern and northern parts of Madagascar in a tropical forest biome. Additionally, it has been introduced to Réunion and Mauritius. The Cap Est Panther Chameleon is the most common sub species of panther chameleon partly because it has some outstanding colors and a wide range those colors as well.

Additional information

cb hatchling


cb juvenile


cb young adult

Live Arrival Guarantee
We offer a live arrival guarantee. We do not offer any guarantee past your animal arriving safely as the animals we have available for sale are well started, eating, and in perfect health when they leave the facility.