Baby Salvator Water Monitors
$450.00 / 0.00468 Ƀ
Baby Salvator Water Monitors, (Varanus salvator) are truly majestic and intelligent lizard giants, earning them a loyal following in the reptile trade. This species hails from southern and Southeast Asia, where they’ve evolved over millions of years to survive in both wild and urban settings through their many adaptations.  While their husbandry requirements can be challenging, many hobbyists are rising to the challenge and discovering how truly rewarding it is to share your home with an “Urban Dinosaur.” Keepers are also experiencing the true social and intellectual capacity of these lizards, guided by their extreme intelligence and ability to form bonds. Here we hope to contribute to quality husbandry with reptile supply recommendations and tips.
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- Varanus Reisingeri
- Farm Bred Pair
- Approximately 30 Inches In Length
- Rarest Species Of The Tree Monitors, Get Your Beautiful Pair Today
- Outstanding Vibrant Yellow Coloration And Bold Black Patterns
- Absolutely Stunning Animals That Are Thriving And Doing Great
- Feeding on Vitamin Dusted Crickets, Roaches, Monitor Diet, and Pinky Mice
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