Blue Ambanja Panther Chameleon

$365.00$675.00  /  0.00418 Ƀ

SKU: N/A Category:

Blue Ambanja Panther Chameleons for sale are some of the most gorgeous of all species of pet panther chameleon. Available as hatchlings, juveniles and young adults. If you’re searching for the perfect Adult, Juvenile or baby Ambanja panther chameleon for sale, you’ve found the best of the best!  Our Ambanja’s are stunning, calm from being handled, and are from out of this world bloodlines.

With a Biologist ON SITE, all of our Ambanja panther chameleons come with our live arrival and full 7 day health guarantee.  Our Ambilobe Panther Chameleons for sale are ready to ship to your door via UPS year-round in heated or cooled containers and will arrive the morning after shipment.  Typically they leave here around 5pm and are on your doorstep the next morning between 9am and noon.

The blue Ambanja panther chameleon for sale has a reputation for being difficult to care for was originally given due to the poor condition of many wild caught specimens as well as insufficient care practices.

Blue Chameleon for sale

If you are wanting a very “red panther chameleon” you will want to go with a young adult, since red is the last of the panther chameleon colors to come in.  If you are looking for a certain color combination, please let us know in the notes section when you check out and make your Ambanja panther chameleon purchase.

If you are looking for a blue chameleon for sale, consider either the Nosy be chameleon or the blue Ambanja chameleon.  Don’t forget your supplies either consider our Chameleon misting system as well as our Chameleon habitat and Chameleon Tree.

Blue Ambanja panther chameleon

Panther Chameleon color is a prominent feature of the Ambanja chameleon for sale,  and there is a wide range of amazingly unique colors being produced by some panther chameleon breeders, like us here at

Some will be surprised to learn that despite misunderstanding and misinformation by television commercials and viral social media videos that the blue chameleon does not change color to instantly match any background it is placed against

Additional information





Young Adult

Live Arrival Guarantee
We offer a live arrival guarantee. We do not offer any guarantee past your animal arriving safely as the animals we have available for sale are well started, eating, and in perfect health when they leave the facility.